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Monday, 26 August 2013

You are using Facebook ? Be aware it can make you sad : Facebook Facts

When you click "Like" on your friends' Facebook posts, do you really mean it?
If seeing your Facebook supporter keep wonderful, fun-filled biography gives you a box of the blues, you're not alone. A new University of Michigan study found that the more people checked Facebook, the more likely they were to sense worse about their own lives.
To measure people's feelings and Facebook usage, the band enlisted a small aviation of puppy adult Facebook exploiter in Michigan and texted them five times a day for two weeks. Each libretto linked to an online reconnaissance that asked how they were feeling. In addition to reporting how much they were exploration Facebook, the subjects rated their anxiety and loneliness levels at that value as well as their overall satisfaction with life.
The authors also asked people to tariff their level of life satisfaction at the start and end of the study, and found that the more partaker used Facebook over the two-week study period, the more their existence compensation levels declined. By contrast, the study found that face-to-face interactions with others led group to feel better over time.
"Over a billion tribe belong to Facebook, and over half of them log in every day," said University of Michigan social psychologist Ethan Kross, lead composer of the study. "On the surface, Facebook provides an invaluable storehouse for fulfilling the basic human need for social connection. But rather than improvement well-being, our findings demonstrate that interacting with Facebook may have the opposite result for cub adults."
What is it roughly the social network that bums some people out? One opinion is that people are comparing themselves to their friends' seemingly fantastic digital lives and comprehension inferior.
Though the specimen aviation of 82 people was small, the findings are similar to other studies approx Facebook use and mental health.
Facebook has become a tempting subject for researchers because of its role as a constant presence in so dozens people's lives. Psychologists, sociologists and other academics are curious about what stroke of impact it has on its users' brains, sentiment and self-worth.
Some researchers have tapped directly into the gold treasure of intelligence generated by the social network (Facebook has its own staff of data scientists and sometimes teams up with universities), while others appearance their own independent studies.
In early 2012, a study out of Utah Valley University also found that many people had a situation of the blues after checking Facebook. The researchers talked to a group of 425 students and found correlations between the numbering of time clan spent checking Facebook and negative feelings approx their own lives. The more time their subjects spent on the social network, the higher probability that they would pondering their buddy lived better, happier lives.
In January, a study from Germany found that a third of people felt worse after expenditure time on Facebook. Seeing updates of friends' successful careers, cute honey and fabulous vacations inspired feelings of envy, loneliness and even anger. 


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